Monday, August 4, 2014

Corsair Vengeance K70 Cherry MX Red Review

So last week my lovely fiancee got me a Corsair Vengeance K70 mechanical keyboard with Cherry MX Red switches.

For those of you unfamiliar with mechanical keyboards, here's a brief explanation of what mechanical keyboards are and why you should use them courtesy of lifehacker.

The TL;DR version: Mechanical Keyboards use physical switches to register each key press, your old keyboard probably uses a membrane switch, which is why the keys feel a bit "squishy".

So let's get to the actual keyboard review:

First, this K70 is the first mechanical keyboard I have ever owned. Previously, I was using a Microsoft Sidewinder X6. Now, I will say this, the X6 was one of my favorite keyboards. I used it for a solid 3 years without any problems. Only recently had I begun experiencing a bit of extra "stickyness" with the keys, specifically the WASD keys which I probably have abused over the keyboard's lifespan. Other than that, the X6 was performing like a champ, I didn't really give a mechanical keyboard much thought... until I tried one at BestBuy.

The K70 is a fullsized keyboard, complete with a tenkey set and a detachable wrist rest. The wrist rest is a definite plus as the raised keys and the depth of the keyboard body itself makes gaming without the wrist rest a bit uncomfortable for those of us without gigantic hands. As a person who uses the tenkey number pad quite a bit, I am very pleased to have it included on this keyboard.

The K70 comes with removable textured keycaps for the WASD keys and numbers 1 through 6. When I first installed the textured keycaps, I was a bit worried that the raised keys would inhibit my typing a bit, but after a few minutes of use I didn't mind them at all. You can always switch them out with the normal keys using the included keycaps and tool, so that part is really up to you. My only gripe about the textured keycaps (which shouldn't be a gripe if I wasn't so lazy) would be the lack of the other symbols on the number keys. I had to think to myself a little bit as to which number was supposed to be the % symbol. Again, you can always stick those keys back on so it's really not a problem.

The keys/switches themselves feel great. The actuation point for each key is only a few millimeters for the Cherry MX Red, meaning that if you're in the heat of battle, you only need to slightly depress the key to get the input to register. For some users who aren't used to it, that could be a problem, but for the majority of gamers, specifically FPS and RTS gamers, this feature of the Cherry MX Red switch is great. You can quickly double tap a key and get precise input from the key taps. Those of us with stubby uncoordinated fingers may have a bit of a problem accidentally rolling over other keys, but if anything it might just train you to be more precise with your key strokes. The tactile feedback you get from feeling the switches depress and actuate combined with the different sound of a Cherry MX red clacking against the keyboard truly add to the typing/gaming experience. I've logged about 10 hours of Battlefield 4 using the K70, and so far the results have been fantastic. I'm not going to say outright that my KDR and my win % went up, but I can say that I've found a little more enjoyment out of using the K70 during that time. I really can't explain why, you just have to try it. It feels great.

The backlighting on the keyboard is quite well done. I know it's not a Corsair RGB, but the red backlighting really does look quite good. It's adjustable with 3 different brightness settings and also includes the ability to light only specific keys, either the default WASD and 1-6 keys, or whatever other set you want to pre-program yourself.

The overall look of the keyboard body is excellent. The black aluminum version that I purchased is quite sleek and might I say very pleasing to the eye. The design is very minimalist, and although it's not as minimal as say a Das Keyboard or a Poker, it does not have all of crazy and unnecessary design elements that a keyboard like the Razer Blackwidow Ultimate would have. 
The K70 also has a USB passthrough at the back of the keyboard. The keyboard actually uses two USB plugs to connect to your computer, with one of the plugs being a dedicated passthrough. You don't have to plug in the passthrough if you don't plan on using it, but it's kind of nice to have it there as an option.

The K70 also has the standard set of media keys, the usual play, pause, reverse, and forward buttons. They're set in a slightly strange location, right above the tenkey set, which almost obscures them if you're looking at the keyboard from the wrong angle. 

The K70 does not have programmable macro buttons. I will miss that feature from my X6, as it had an auto-run button which I sometimes used while playing games that required me to walk long distances (DayZ, I'm looking at you). I'm sure I can find a software solution for that or program it into one of my mouse's keys. 

Overall, I'd give the K70 a solid 9/10. I've only had it for a week, but I can already tell that it will become my gold standard of keyboarding. Go do yourself a favor and try a mechanical keyboard out today. Your fingers will thank you.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Back from Hiatus

I've been kind of swamped with life stuff as of late, but I will have some awesome new updates in the next few days, including a sneak peak at the absolutely insane story I've been writing. Let's just say... it is historical sci-fi.

Monday, March 10, 2014

PS4 Time

Courtesy of the wife to be, I have entered the next generation console party.

The system itself feels light, but pretty sturdy. It is already looking like it's going to be a dust magnet.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

How to get your original PS3 Wireless Stereo Headset to work on your PS4

For those of you who own the original PS3 Wireless Stereo Headset, here's how to get it to work on the PS4 after the v 1.60 update.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014

Nerd Sophisticate's Android Free Game of the Week

Our choice for Android Free Game of the Week is Plague Inc. Plague Inc, which can be found for free (ad supported) on the Google Play Store is a game about creating a disease and spreading it across the globe, creating as much havoc as possible until a cure is found for the disease you created.

Android Free Game of the Week

Although the premise might sound a bit macabre, the game itself can be quite humorous. Some of the status updates from the game which include a hilarious scrolling newsfeed are very tongue in cheek, especially when you consider that the game itself is about spreading a plague and wiping out the human race. You even get to name the disease yourself, which often leads to great  messages like "DickButts is spreading". If the thought of worldwide annihilation doesn't bother you, go check out this week's Android Free Game selection. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Twitch Plays Pokemon

I discovered one of the crazier/glorious things that the internet has come up with recently while browsing reddit. A user created an IRC script that translates user input from the chatroom into key presses inside a Gameboy emulator running pokemon. This was then broadcasted on This glorious idea is Twitch Plays Pokemon.

The story of what has happened so far can be found on this wiki posted on reddit. It really has become this great experiment in social gaming. Go check it out.

Happy Thursday

Nothing else to see here, folks.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Antichamber Playthrough part 1

Just started my playthrough of Antichamber, which can be found on this week's Humble Bundle 11.
 So far, it's pretty amazing.

A photo tour through DayZ

My first 60 hours of DayZ required a lot of chopping, swearing, running, and dying. Oh and walking. Lots and lots of walking.

Swing and a miss!

F U window

She survived the longest

They missed their train

Logged in during nighttime and found this guy waiting for me.

I have no idea what I walked in on here.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Catastrophe strikes in DayZ when I try to have a little too much fun with a soundboard

I survived for so long that I got cocky.

More Titanfall Beta Action

I've dumped a few more hours into the Titanfall beta and I still must say that this hype train will not stop!

Check out the next preview in higher definition!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Titanfall Beta for PC Open Today

Respawn has opened up the closed beta for Titanfall for everyone on XBoxOne and PC. If you had previously registered for the beta but didn't get an invite, you will be quite pleased to find the Titanfall beta ready to load in your Origin dashboard today.

If you're too lazy for the 13gb install, check out some of the videos I've uploaded of the beta thus far.

Intro/training mode

Last Titan Standing Mode

Monday, February 3, 2014

Steam In Home Streaming Beta: The Future Looks Amazing

Today I received my beta invite for the Steam In-Home Streaming function. For those who haven't heard about this before, Steam Home Streaming allows for you to stream your Steam games from your main gaming PC to any other pc in your home that you have the Steam Client installed on.

This has completely changed my future plans for home pc gaming, as I was already considering building a 2nd gaming pc to keep in the living room (albeit a bit underpowered and on a budget). I was already running a 50 foot HDMI cable and bluetooth connection from our bedroom to the living room in order to play games like Resident Evil 6 on our big screen. Steam In-Home streaming seems like it could eliminate that mess of cables and placate an annoyed fiance.

Well, how does it work? (via linus tech tips)

So how did it work out for me? In short, pretty damn well.
My main pc specs:
i7 3770k
AMD Radeon 7870 XT (Tahiti LE)
8gb of ram
Corsair SSD, Velociraptor, Some Standard 7200 rpm drives

My streaming device specs:
i7 3840QM
8 gb of ram
Intel HD4000 integrated graphics

My home network specs:
10/100 going through 2 powerline adapters (we rent so I can't run my own data drops at the moment)
Wireless N network via my bargain TP-Link WR841N

After some fiddling, I found the streaming to be pretty good. The sound and video was quite clear and was coming out at full resolution. I didn't find out how many FPS I'm currently getting through the stream, but from my understanding that is dependent on your network infrastructure. I'm sure once I get my home gigabit network up and running that will jump.

There is a slight input delay. I was using my wired xbox 360 controller attached to the stream laptop and there was a delay of a few milliseconds. This might be a problem if you're playing a game that requires some twitch reaction play, but it should be fine for most single player games.

I'll post some HQ videos up once I get some more data, but from my initial impressions of the beta, I'm quite pleased and I can't wait until it gets officially rolled out to the masses.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Microsoft to give $100 in credit for your PS3 trade-in towards an xbox one

From now until March 3, Microsoft is offering $100 credit to people who bring in their PS3s into the Microsoft Store when you purchase an xbox one.

I'm not saying this is a good deal by any stretch, but if you have a dusty PS3 that's not getting any use, you could consider bring it in to Microsoft to grab your xbone. Or you could just hold on to it and buy a PS4 for the same post discount price and have access to a 2nd great bluray player.

DayZ: Postapocalyptic role play extravaganza

I think that DayZ is the ultimate internet survival simulator. It really brings out the best and the worst in players. In my few weeks with the DayZ Standalone, I've encountered helpful travelers, wacky naked psychopaths, and dozens of greedy bandits. Although at times I feel like it's just filled with immature griefers, there have been times where I've been truly amazed by the behavior of some other players in the game.

At one point, I found another traveler who became friendly once he realized I wasn't going to gun him down for fun. He taught me some of the more advanced control functions and walked with me all the way to the next town where he got disconnected by the game server. Another person tried to knock me out with his bare fists when he thought that I didn't know how to play the game (I pretended like I didn't know how to work the controls). 

I've run into players while looting abandoned buildings, some who were extremely helpful and even offered to split some of the loot we discovered. I've run into other players who just waited outside highly visited areas to take pot shots at unsuspecting survivors.

And then there are the psychos.

This person lured me into a building with ukulele music and proceeded to chop me up with a fire axe.

 DayZ is what you make of it. You can be a bandit, a hero, a psycho, even a guy who rolls around the ground in your underpants like a worm. (Go prone and press Q or A). Go out there, have fun, and try not to shoot on sight!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Outlast: It's okay to pee your pants

I started by journey into Outlast last night. That journey lasted exactly 2 hours, as I found myself a bit too freaked out to continue at that point. Within those 2 hours, I counted 2 times where I scooted my chair back and yelped "oh shit", and at least 3 other times where my heart jumped after being scared by something on screen. Needless to say, Outlast is the scariest game I've played in a really long time. If you have some spare diapers at home, I suggest you check it out.

Monday, January 20, 2014

DayZ: Let's meet a PvP Psycho

I was walking around Electro in the DayZ standalone and I heard this strange sound... it sounded like Tiny Tim's Tiptoe Through the Tulips...

My first legit scare in DayZ

DayZ: My longest adventure in Chernarus thus far

2 days. That is exactly how long I lasted in my longest play through of DayZ. Here are some pictures of my first foray into Chernarus.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Why I'm Not Playing Battlefield 4

A few months ago I was genuinely excited to get my hands on the latest Battlefield game. I played through the Battlefield 4 beta and I definitely had a blast. I waited with baited breath for the UPS delivery guy to bring in my Battlefield 4 box. I tore that thing open and installed it immediately. I thought I was going to be in Battlefield bliss.

3.5 months later and I'm sad to say I'm over it. I've been over it since November. Battlefield 4 has been a giant bug filled fiasco. A giant clusterfuck of a game launch. There were times where I would load up a game and just have a blast. That was the minority of the time. The rest of the time I spent wondering whether I would make it through an entire match without the server crashing and my stats being reset. I would wonder if the hit detection was even working as I unloaded full magazines into enemies without them being registered. I wonder why the hell am I not receiving the weapon unlocks from finishing the campaign after finishing it 4 separate times. Frustrating experiences like this often stick in the minds of gamers. After dropping $60 of hard earned cash on a game, you would expect it to be mostly playable, right? I guess it could be my fault for always trying to be an early adopter of franchises I love. I almost bought Battlefield Premium, but I'm quite glad that my inner cheapskate told me to wait.

I guess only time will tell if Battlefield 4 will ever draw me back in. For now, I'll just stick to games that advertise themselves as still being in alpha (like Day Z), instead of trying to pass off broken games as full fledged releases.

Adventures in streaming

I've begun my adventure into live streaming. You can watch me play whatever game I feel like playing over on the nerd sophisticate streaming page. I should be hopping on most nights to stream Starcraft 2, DayZ, and some of the other 300+ games in my library.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Awesome DayZ Interaction

I'm still waiting for a crazy PvP moment like this in DayZ. So far I've only encountered random snipers and people who log out once they get attacked. These guys, however, make the PvP game much more... interesting.

Splinter Cell: Blacklist PC Review

I'm going to be very forthcoming with this one: Personally, Splinter Cell has always taken a backseat to Metal Gear Solid. I've never been extremely fond of the series and the last Splinter Cell game played was Double Agent, which came out in 2006. That being said, I needed to fill the gaping stealth action hole that MGS has left in my gaming life and decided to give Blacklist I spin. I was pleasantly surprised.

I picked up Splinter Cell Blacklist on the UbiStore and downloaded it through the UPlay client. I won't get into detail right now about my feelings regarding UPlay, but basically it feels like a low rent version of Origin. I would've preferred this game as a Steamworks title, but Ubisoft is persistent about making us use UPlay to play its games.

Straight out of the gates, I realized this wasn't the same Sam Fisher that I controlled back in 2006. This Sam Fisher is a brutal killing machine, only being held back by my own qualms about killing every hostile NPC in site. The gameplay has changed dramatically, allowing you to choose your own playstyle and rewarding you as such. Want to sneak around and choke the crap out of every enemy soldier? You can do that. Want to climb over them and just reach the objective without alerting anyone? You can do that. You want to turn this game into Splinter Cell/Gears of War? You can definitely do that too. The cover shooter mechanics that have been woven into Blacklist have really changed the formula for me in a good way. Now when I alert enemies, I don't always have to go running to the next dark corner or ceiling pipe. I can hunker down and blast away with an automatic shotgun or non-suppressed MP5. The game rewards different playstyles with points that are converted into currency. The currency allows you to purchase weapons, suit upgrades, gadgets, and other items that you can tailor to your playstyle. It actually feels quite Hitman-esque, with certain upgrades and playstyles reminding me of a watered down version of Hitman Blood Money, which is actually a good thing.

The graphics on the PC version are great. Blacklist employs the Unreal engine, which when done without the giant hulking soldier bodies actually looks quite realistic. The engine rendered cutscenes are also quite a nice, with the closeups of the characters revealing an insane amount of detail. Stuble has never looked this nice.

The story is a pretty decent Tom Clancy yarn. I enjoyed it quite a bit and it ties into the previous installments quite nicely (from what I remember). There are also fun side missions that range from stealth infiltration to a horde mode type of wave survival, which I actually found to be quite fun.

If you have a stealth action itch that you need to scratch, you should definitely give Splinter Cell Blacklist I try. Oh and I haven't figured out how to do the wall splits maneuver yet, maybe they took it out of the game.

Friday, January 10, 2014

My first hour of DayZ

My first hour of DayZ can be described with one simple screenshot I snapped.

Here's hoping for more adventures.

Amazon Editor's Choice Game Sale

Amazon is having this pretty decent 2013 Editor's Choice Game sale right now. If you purchased any digital PC games from Amazon in December, you were given a $5 credit to spend on a game included in the sale. The sale is constantly updating and titles/prices are changing, so keep an eye out this month on anything that tickles your fancy. Currently "Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons" is $2.50 after credit and NBA 2k14 is $15 after credit, which are pretty good deals in my opinion. Go check it out here.

Humble Bundle X

PSA: Humble Bundle X is now available. Unfortunately there was some controversy with this bundle as Humble offered the first 1000 people to donate $10 or more a key for Starbound. This led to the beat the average price to be quite higher than it normally would be. That being said, this is still a pretty solid bundle.

Return from Holiday hiatus

So I've returned from an extended holiday hiatus with tons and tons of games to review in tow.

This is what's currently on my docket:

Splinter Cell Blacklist
Assassin's Creed 4
Metro Last Light

I'll start pumping these reviews out shortly.