Friday, February 28, 2014

Nerd Sophisticate's Android Free Game of the Week

Our choice for Android Free Game of the Week is Plague Inc. Plague Inc, which can be found for free (ad supported) on the Google Play Store is a game about creating a disease and spreading it across the globe, creating as much havoc as possible until a cure is found for the disease you created.

Android Free Game of the Week

Although the premise might sound a bit macabre, the game itself can be quite humorous. Some of the status updates from the game which include a hilarious scrolling newsfeed are very tongue in cheek, especially when you consider that the game itself is about spreading a plague and wiping out the human race. You even get to name the disease yourself, which often leads to great  messages like "DickButts is spreading". If the thought of worldwide annihilation doesn't bother you, go check out this week's Android Free Game selection. 

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