Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Battlefield 4 Emblem Maker: I've seen enough wieners already

New to Battlefield 4 (and something that CoD players will recognize) is the emblem maker. You can now make customized emblems that show up on your profile, player stats, enemy kill cam (you see the emblem of your killer during the killcam now) and even vehicles. The web based emblem maker program is decent, allowing you to pick from predetermined shapes and figures to create your own customized emblem. It's a little too basic in my opinion, as it took me forever to make identical sized shapes (I tried to make eyes). However, I've seen some pretty awesome emblems in my short time playing through Battlefield 4.

PSA: EA/DICE mods will make you take down any offensive emblems, stop with the veiny wieners already.

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