Thursday, October 31, 2013

Battlefield 4: A Rough But Glorious Start

It's day 3 of Battlefield 4 time and I'm happy to report that so far the game is everything I've hoped for and more. I just got my PC version in the mail and I'm not going to lie, I tore that shit open within seconds of pulling it out of my mailbox.

 Although numerous users have voiced their complaints about the PC version crashing, I've had minimal problems so far and the few that I've had could probably be attributed to over zealous private server owners and the initial waves of new users stressing EA/Dice servers. 

I did get one of these messages this morning, but I also got a lot of those during my time with BF3.

I'll be bringing an in-depth review shortly, once the reported rubber-banding issues and game crashes have leveled on. Until then, I'll see you on the battlefield.

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