Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pacific Rim: My Giant Robot Nerdvana - updated

Pacific Rim
As a war between humankind and monstrous sea creatures wages on, a former pilot and a trainee are paired up to drive a seemingly obsolete special weapon in a desperate effort to save the world from the apocalypse.

As many of you know, yesterday marked the North American release of Pacific Rim on Bluray and DVD. Although many Metacritic reviewers would say otherwise, I thought Pacific Rim was an awesome sci-fi extravaganza. The giant robots fighting monstrous kaiju reminded me of my days as a kid sitting on the floor pitting my Transformers action figures against my Kenner Aliens figures. The influence of old kaiju movies and the venerable sci-fi cheese fest that was Robot Jox  is evident throughout.

The attention to detail was so striking that I sat gaping in awe while watching the movie in 3D at the theater. It really is a technical marvel and a testament to Guillermo Del Toro's obsessive detail oriented style. I even realized that the jaegers had running lights that followed nautical standards, with the starboard side of the jaeger being green and the port side being lit red. That kind of attention to detail that a nerd would notice is what made me really appreciate Pacific Rim.

Although I found some of the acting to be terrible (the young guy piloting Striker Eureka should never act again), the story was interesting and humorous enough to keep me entertained even when there were no Jaeger or kaiju in sight. Idris Elba, Charlie Day, and Ron Perlman added some great acting that made some of the crazyness slightly believable. 

Technical nerd rantings aside, I found Pacific Rim to be quite enjoyable and accepted it as the movie it was meant to be: a robot versus monster battlefest best viewed with a bucket of popcorn and a fair amount of suspension of disbelief. I'll be honest and tell you that I totally boarded the Pacific Rim hype train and bought a bunch of tshirts with jaegers on them. 

Verdict: 9/10 will purchase ASAP.

Update: My better half purchased it for me this week. It is the collector's edition too. 
Gf review : 10/10 will put a ring on it.

Detailed collector's edition review to follow.

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