Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea First Impressions

Bioshock Infinite was one of my favorite games of this year. It had one of the most engrossing stories I've ever experienced and some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen in a game. Today marks the release of it's first storyline expansion: Burial at Sea.

I won't spoil the story so far, but those familiar with the first 2 Bioshock games will definitely be in for a treat as the expansion takes place in the city where it all began: Rapture. 

I've about one hour into the game so far, and I can definitely say that it has retained the immense creepy factor that the original Bioshock had. It has preserved the dark, dreary neon feel that the original Bioshock had while keeping some of the newer gameplay elements of Infinite. So far so good.

I've managed to take some screenshots of my adventure through rapture so far

This looks familiar...

I guess Elizabeth smokes in this world

No Gods or Kings

They're back

Not as cheerful down in Rapture.

I'll keep you posted about my adventure through Rapture. So far it has made my skin crawl a little bit, which means so far, so good.

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