Friday, January 31, 2014

DayZ: Postapocalyptic role play extravaganza

I think that DayZ is the ultimate internet survival simulator. It really brings out the best and the worst in players. In my few weeks with the DayZ Standalone, I've encountered helpful travelers, wacky naked psychopaths, and dozens of greedy bandits. Although at times I feel like it's just filled with immature griefers, there have been times where I've been truly amazed by the behavior of some other players in the game.

At one point, I found another traveler who became friendly once he realized I wasn't going to gun him down for fun. He taught me some of the more advanced control functions and walked with me all the way to the next town where he got disconnected by the game server. Another person tried to knock me out with his bare fists when he thought that I didn't know how to play the game (I pretended like I didn't know how to work the controls). 

I've run into players while looting abandoned buildings, some who were extremely helpful and even offered to split some of the loot we discovered. I've run into other players who just waited outside highly visited areas to take pot shots at unsuspecting survivors.

And then there are the psychos.

This person lured me into a building with ukulele music and proceeded to chop me up with a fire axe.

 DayZ is what you make of it. You can be a bandit, a hero, a psycho, even a guy who rolls around the ground in your underpants like a worm. (Go prone and press Q or A). Go out there, have fun, and try not to shoot on sight!

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