Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Why I'm Not Playing Battlefield 4

A few months ago I was genuinely excited to get my hands on the latest Battlefield game. I played through the Battlefield 4 beta and I definitely had a blast. I waited with baited breath for the UPS delivery guy to bring in my Battlefield 4 box. I tore that thing open and installed it immediately. I thought I was going to be in Battlefield bliss.

3.5 months later and I'm sad to say I'm over it. I've been over it since November. Battlefield 4 has been a giant bug filled fiasco. A giant clusterfuck of a game launch. There were times where I would load up a game and just have a blast. That was the minority of the time. The rest of the time I spent wondering whether I would make it through an entire match without the server crashing and my stats being reset. I would wonder if the hit detection was even working as I unloaded full magazines into enemies without them being registered. I wonder why the hell am I not receiving the weapon unlocks from finishing the campaign after finishing it 4 separate times. Frustrating experiences like this often stick in the minds of gamers. After dropping $60 of hard earned cash on a game, you would expect it to be mostly playable, right? I guess it could be my fault for always trying to be an early adopter of franchises I love. I almost bought Battlefield Premium, but I'm quite glad that my inner cheapskate told me to wait.

I guess only time will tell if Battlefield 4 will ever draw me back in. For now, I'll just stick to games that advertise themselves as still being in alpha (like Day Z), instead of trying to pass off broken games as full fledged releases.

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