Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I Didn't Like Dark Souls At All

Though Metacritic may not agree with me, I'm going to come right out and say it. I absolutely despised Dark Souls. It was too damn hard and frustrating. I didn't find it rewarding at all and I rage quit more times playing that damn game than anything else in my entire life. I found absolutely no joy in that game. I didn't understand why in the beginning of the game they would let me stumble into an area at with level 99 skeletons who would absolutely demolish my anus on sight. I didn't understand why they would give absolutely no direction or indicating on how to defeat some wandering ghosts who are just waiting for me at the story progression chokepoint. I hate having to google solutions to small, seemingly inconsequential battles. I hate having to google any kind of gameplay tip.
Maybe I'm not a glutton for punishment. Maybe I've been spoiled over the years with games like Fable, Devil May Cry, and even Ninja Gaiden. Hell, I loved the Ninja Gaiden for the original XBOX and I found it to actually be challenging and rewarding. Dark Souls, on the other hand, was just this tedious, twitch reflex requiring nightmare for me. I felt like I should have been hopped up on Vivanse just to keep up with the level of planning and dexterity that this game required. I really hated this game.

 This meme sums it up nicely.

Now, the question really is, am I just another lazy gamer?  Am I just a whiner? Am I part of the coddled Call of Duty generation? Did the checkpoint systems of Halo and Grand Theft Auto lower the challenge level bar for me permanently? I would have to say no. I played and beat Contra on the NES without cheating. I played through Ninja Gaiden without a strategy guide and finished the "special world" in Super Mario World. I have no problem with a fun challenge. Dark Souls to me, is not fun at all. I really tried hard to like it. I owned it on the PS3 and sold it after a few weeks to prevent myself from cracking the box by chucking it at my wall. I own the Prepare to Die edition on Steam which I gave another go before right clicking it and pressing "delete local content". I really can't like this game at all. I'm just not into masochism. With that said, I'm going to go back to taking more GTA V selfies tonight.

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