Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rootable fun for us, piece of shit iPad poseur for the rest

Ode to my mouse pad

Yesterday I tossed out my venerable Lemmiwinks mousepad that I made 3 years ago on It was a dirty, food stained, ratty piece of shit mouse pad, but Lemmipad and I have been through a lot. I dragged that little asshole through 4 apartments. My exes told me to throw him out because he looked like he was harboring a disease (I'm sure he was).
I figured I was doing my 4000dpi gaming mouse an injustice by using that crappy piece of cloth and chinese labor, so I went and bought a SteelSeries QiK mouse pad. I must say that this new and improved mousepad is as smooth as a thaiboy. My only gripe is that it just doesn't have the same personality as Lemmipad. I don't look at it and think "damn that's a great gerbil". So here's to you, Lemmiwinks mousepad. May you live on in infamy and may some homeless guy find you in the trash and use you as dinnerware.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sophisticat says welcome and please don't pee on the rug

Nerds get a bad rep. I'm sure when you think nerd you picture one of those asshole BestBuy Geeksquad kids and their dark glasses, or that obese, pimply, sweaty guy living in his mom's basement who plays WoW all day and jerks off to cartoons.
But really, it isn't that simple. Some of us nerds... are quite good looking, well dressed, and socially competent. Shit, I even shower every day.
Welcome home, nerd sophisticates.